St Edward's School
The school offers a full compensatory education programme for pupils in Key Stage 2 and 3, leading to GCSE examinations and/or functional literacy and numeracy courses where these may be more appropriate for a young person in Key Stage 4.
Vocational training opportunities play a major part in preparing each pupil for adult life. Some young people proceed into the school’s post-16 provision, supported by their local authorities, where they follow bespoke courses; this may include part or full-time attendance at college, supported by a learning mentor from the school.
The school creates opportunities for pupils to contribute to the wider community and an enviable range of outdoor, sporting, and recreational ventures provide strong incentives to participate in and beyond the classroom. Our model of living and working encourages pupils to develop active, participating and contributing membership of their home communities and society in general.
‘Children describe the school as an extended family and say that it is the best school that they have ever been to.’
St Edward’s is situated in a substantial park on the edge of the New Forest in Hampshire. It benefits from extensive grounds, a wide selection of specialist buildings and workshops together with extensive sporting facilities.
Outdoor learning and living a healthy and well balanced life is our fundamental principles for our pupils. Having access to our onsite facilities encourages growth and learning.
Please contact your Local Authority if you would like to pursue your interest in St Edward’s. They will be able to offer you guidance on whether they feel we are the best provision to meet your son’s needs. Alternatively, you could contact your local Parent Partnership Service who can offer you advice and support.