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St Edward's School

The Headmaster giving a gift to a Year 11 pupil on Leavers Day.





St Edward’s offers an exceptional climate for learning and great pedagogy, with focused learning being the foundation of every lesson. Our curriculum is underpinned by core values, which champion the need to attend to the wellbeing of our pupils first.

St Edward’s is celebrating its remarkable examination results, which saw the school achieve 67% pass rate at GCSE grades 4-9 and 100% pass rate for vocational qualifications with 50% of students achieving a merit, 33% a distinction and 17% a pass.

This year, the government and Ofqual have introduced deflationary measures with the intention of recalibrating grades to the

pre-pandemic levels of 2019. With this in mind, we are incredibly proud of our pupils.

The class of 2023 have been well prepared for the next stage of their educational journey, with one pupil being encouraged to take a higher level course at college due to his exceptional examination performance.  We wish them all a very successful future.



History lesson in the school museum.

Subjects Taught

Follow the link below to discover more about the subjects taught at St Edward's School.

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Student Council

Our Student Council provides opportunities for boys to learn about effective self-government, develop good communication skills and take responsibility for social and community development.

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The school dining room.


We provide our pupils with information on careers and the world of work encouraging them to be aspirational and ambitious so that they can secure their dream job and enjoy fulfilling careers.

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We will achieve outcomes that drive social mobility and give every pupil freedom of choice throughout their lives. We know that the development of character does not happen by chance but by purpose and intention: it is therefore an explicit part of our curriculum.


Water Polo in the school pool.

Our Reward System

Boys can attain a wide array of school-based accreditations and awards for participation in numerous pursuits, initiatives and in their subject areas.

A positive behaviour system encourages pupils to accumulate points through their work each week in school. Points-related activity programmes encourage boys to seek greater involvement in the wide array of activities on offer. Recent top points activities are featured in our activity program.


In addition to small class sizes and a high level of support within the classroom, we also provide a range of additional support, personalised to support individual needs.

In depth literacy and numeracy assessments upon admission

Dyslexia screening

Irlen Syndrome Screening

Speech and Language Therapy (SALT)

Occupational Therapy (OT)

Sensory Integration

1:1 Classroom Support


"Preparing you to take the next step."


Our curriculum has a holistic approach to development that goes beyond academia and includes developing: communication and collaboration skills; emotional, cultural and spiritual awareness; cultivating positive relationships; resilience and resourcefulness, and so much more. This is supported further with educational trips to deepen pupils' engagement within the curriculum.


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