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St Edward's School

Football at St Edward's School - Hampsire




Transitioning into a new school can be a stressful time.  Pupils may have been out of school for a period of time and see education in a negative light after years of failed placements.   



Every pupil who has the good fortune to secure a place at  St Edward’s school has a unique set of strengths and challenges.  No two pupils are the same which means no two programmes can be the same.

Each pupils needs are carefully assessed and supported in a non-judgmental, empathic and flexible way with support to develop their educational and personal potential.

The focus is on preventative work to ensure all needs are identified as quickly as possible and that early action is taken to meet those needs.

We plan to create low arousal environments to enhance and support the work around communicating, regulating and healing offered by therapists and staff alike.


Pupil at St Edward's School, Hampshire.



‘Arrangements for children enrolling at the school are tailored to each child, ensuring that they are not overwhelmed by their new environment. Time spent in the therapeutic provision [The Bridge] helps the children to adapt to school life, particularly when they have been out of education for many years.’ 

Ofsted 2021

Community learning at St Edward's School
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