On a wet and windy October afternoon St Edward’s School welcomed Bishop Declan Lang of Clifton diocese to open the school’s new education building. The event was supported by governors, local head teachers, clergy, friends of the school and teaching staff.
The building was constructed by the Darwin Group in collaboration with St Edward’s Development Team. It was important to create a building that was sympathetic to the school’s environmental policy. The building is ‘passivhaus’ and has a net zero carbon footprint. The building was also designed to be low arousal, meeting the requirements of pupils with sensory needs. Construction began in November 2021 and was completed in July 2022. The school praised the Darwin Group for their professionalism and quality of work. Special thanks goes to Russ Collier, the Darwin site manager.

Headmaster, Graham Maher, thanked the Chair of Governors, Michael Tennant, for the support of the Board in facilitating this project. He also thanked the pupils for their
well- delivered comments.
St Edward’s is a Catholic school providing specialist compensatory education, social care and therapeutic services to local authorities for pupils experiencing social, emotional and mental health difficulties. The school is situated in a substantial park on the edge of the New Forest in Hampshire. It benefits from extensive grounds, a wide selection of specialist buildings and workshops together with excellent sporting facilities. It now enjoys the new addition of the Declan Education Building.