St Edward's School
How will my child access any online remote education you are providing?
Every pupil has been provided with a Microsoft 365 account. This gives him access to his own Outlook email account that can be used as a direct line of communication to his teachers, as well as for submitting completed work. Another application within Microsoft 365 is SharePoint. Each department has their own SharePoint page, which is their platform for setting work. Each page will have a tab for your son’s class and within that, a folder for the week in question which will contain the latest work set. In addition to classwork, there is also access to SharePoints for the Library and Therapeutic Services (‘Think Well, Feel Well’) that is an excellent resource to allay anxieties in relation to the pandemic and the 5 associated losses of routine, structure, friendships, opportunity and freedom. Pupils will be directed towards other online learning platforms through the SharePoint pages, including BBC Bitesize, Accelerated Reader, First News and My Maths.
Please use this link to watch our video tutorial for remote learning.
The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home?
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in Design Technology pupils are asked to evaluate recent projects, embark on design tasks that may materialise when they have access to the workshop, or to use objects around the house to make small projects. In Physical Education, pupils will be encouraged to participate in and record individual and whole school fitness challenges, as well as engage in the theory based PE.
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
Your son’s wellbeing in the broadest sense is as important to us as his continued academic progress at this time. To that end, whilst our teachers are tasked with setting the ‘timetabled’ amount of work each week, we would recommend following a daily routine.
Remote Education at
St Edward’s
By definition, every pupil at St Edward’s is a vulnerable child, as they have an Education, Health & Care Plan (EHCP). The school maintains that where possible, pupils should remain at home if it is safe for them to do so, until such times as national restrictions begin to ease and schools reopen.
From Thursday 7th January 2021, we began to readmit pupils whose parents considered them to be safer in school than they are at home. Currently, we have 36 pupils in attendance, which represents 68% of our nominal roll. We are operating a 4 day week – Monday to Thursday, with a staggered return on a Monday to allow every pupil to self-administer a lateral flow test, to identify asymptomatic carriers of the Covid-19 virus. In accordance with current guidance, staff are now tested twice weekly.
For the remaining 32% of pupils and for every pupil on a Friday, remote teaching and learning is provided. For clarity and transparency as to what said provision constitutes, please read the following information.
The remote curriculum: what is taught to pupils at home?
We teach the same curriculum remotely as we do in school wherever possible and appropriate. However, we have needed to make some adaptations in some subjects. For example, in Design Technology pupils are asked to evaluate recent projects, embark on design tasks that may materialise when they have access to the workshop, or to use objects around the house to make small projects. In Physical Education, pupils will be encouraged to participate in and record individual and whole school fitness challenges, as well as engage in the theory based PE.
How long can I expect work set by the school to take my child each day?
Your son’s wellbeing in the broadest sense is as important to us as his continued academic progress at this time. To that end, whilst our teachers are tasked with setting the ‘timetabled’ amount of work each week, we would recommend following a daily routine.