This summer, a group of pupils from St Edward’s School headed to North Devon to take part in a water sports expedition. The group departed school for Combas Farm in Putsborough, on the beautiful, idyllic Devon coastline. Sally, the farm owner, welcomed our pupils to an enormous field where we set up camp for the week ahead. We are extremely thankful for Sally’s hospitality as she provided the site to us free of charge.
Our pupils took part in thrilling surfing activities under the expertise of Nick Thorn Surfing. We surfed, snorkelled, body-boarded, played games on the beach and shared wholesome campsite fun.
Watch our film, that captures some of the special moments shared amongst the group. Lasting memories were made and we are sure that Lincoln, James, Joe, George, Jake and Bailey will have long lasting tales to tell of their wonderful experiences, especially swimming with jelly fish!